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Filbert's Foundation
for Furry Friends

We are a US 501(c)3 non-profit organization committed to raising awareness and educating people to stop cruelty towards stray dogs in Malaysia.

Why Malaysia?

A predominantly Muslim Country, in some interpretations of Islamic jurisprudence, dogs are considered impure (najis), particularly their saliva. This has led to a degree of avoidance/ fear/dislike of dogs, which has contributed to inhumane treatment of stray dogs by society in general and most local councils.

Our primary goal is to support the implementation of widespread humane practices of stray dog population management (DPM) in Malaysia, such as the Trap-Neuter-Return-Manage (TNR-M) approach. Click here to learn more and join us in this mission.



Direct unwanted births prevented in next 5 years

*Data Up-to-date as of  Feb 28,2025


Dogs Spayed

1310 strays

36 low income owners



Rescuers we support


Paid employees


Highly Subsidized TVT doses given for stray dogs


Active Projects Ongoing in Malaysia


Partner Vet Panels


Percentage overhead

(non-mission related expense)

About F5-Filbert's Foundation

F5-Filbert's Foundation for Furry Friends is a non-profit organization, run by volunteers dedicated to improving the welfare of stray dogs in Malaysia. We believe that every stray dog deserves to remain on the streets they call home, where they were born.

We must neuter, vaccinate and care for them in a responsible way. Simply catching them, killing them or dumping them to remote sites is inhumane, cruel and creates a cycle where a vacuum is then created in that area leading to migration from new packs of dogs. Hence the never ending cycle of killing continues. Most local councils in Malaysia follow these practice despite solid data showing the Trap- Neuter-Release-Manage (TNRM) model to be a more effective method for population control.


Our Projects

At F5-Filbert's Foundation, we have ongoing projects that aim to improve the lives of stray dogs in Malaysia. Our main focus is to fund sterilization programs for responsible independent rescuers caring for stray dogs on the streets. We also fund sterilization programs for low income pet owners. We provide education and create awareness. We team up with local NGO's in Malaysia as well and support their ongoing efforts.

Click HERE to read more about our projects.


How You Can Help

There are many ways you can help us achieve our mission. You can join our team, donate money, or simply spread the word about our cause. Click here to learn more about how you can help.

Latest Updates

Stay up-to-date with the latest news and events from F5-Filbert's Foundation for Furry Friends. From successful neutering projects to new developments in the animal welfare world in Malaysia, we share everything with our community. Click here to read our latest updates.

Meet Our Team

Our team is composed of dedicated individuals who share the same passion for animal welfare. Click here to meet the people behind F5-Filbert's Foundation for Furry Friends.


Our Stories

Contact Us


Contact us if you feel you can contribute to our society but most importantly help the strays. We are constantly looking to strengthen our team with those who share our passion. PLEASE DONATE SO WE CAN KEEP DOING OUR WORK. US TAX PAYERS WILL BE PROVIDED ANNUAL TAX EXEMPTION STATEMENT.

Thanks for submitting!

Contact Us

If you need help with neutering a pack of stray dogs in Malaysia that will be managed by you after release, we would like to hear from you. We cannot guarantee we will be able to fund these efforts, but we will see how we can help.

Thanks for submitting!


Filbert's Foundation for Furry Friends

PO Box 1026

Silverdale WA 98383





*Whatsapp only

We do not have a shelter and cannot accept dogs.

© F5 2025. EIN 88-1578522

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